"Every day, OWCP touches the lives of thousands of injured and ill workers and their families, by providing or overseeing the delivery of workers’ compensation and benefits from offices across the country."
-Gary A. Steinberg, Deputy Director, OWCP, 2017 Report to Congress
Project Summary
Role: Lead UX Architect
Client: US Department of Labor
From 2009-2013, I helped conceive and design a connected suite of applications to enable the US Department of Labor provide better support for injured workers.
ECOMP (Employees’ Compensation Management Portal) is a suite of web-responsive apps for self-service form-submittal for employees, comprehensive oversight for managers, and program administration at state, regional, and national levels. By eliminating paperwork and speeding administration of care, ECOMP was successful in helping DOL meet its mission while saving tens of millions $US in claims management costs annually.
ECOMP received a presidential mention in DOL / OWCP reports, and has since been adopted as a model for several other federal initiatives.  Source: OWCP Annual Report to the Congress, FY 2013, 2014 and 2015
• Created product vision 
• Worked with business analysts and developers 
• Conceived and design application screens and components
• Initial UX implementation (front-end coding in Adobe Flex)
• Wireframed and prototyped over 100 screens
• Responsible for ultimate usability for ECOMP suite
Information Architecture
System diagrams summarizing national administration and complex workflows in ECOMP
UX Design for ECOMP Application Web Suite 
Successful Deployment and Project Extensions
• DMP (Disability Management Portal) extended ECOMP to enable providers to coordinate medical treatment of cases.
• ECOMP continues to serve the cases of millions of US government workers, improving treatment and saving lives of injured workers.
• ECOMP is publicly available at https://www.ecomp.dol.gov/
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